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Borough of Royalton                                                                                     Effective 1/14/13  We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, & DISCOVER

                                                                                                                                                           a 2.65% convenience fee is charged based on paid amount as of 10/01/2016

101 Northumberland St                                                                                                                                 
Middletown, PA 17057
Phone: 717-944-4831 Fax: 717-944-2469
Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday


Backflow prevention:  ORDINANCE #250

Compliance with this Ordinance will be effective for Industrial or Commercial Users on January 1, 2022.

Compliance with this Ordinance will be effective for Residential Users January 1, 2025.

Ref: Backflow Prevention- Ordinance No. 250

Dear Royalton Resident: We are writing to inform you of important backflow prevention ordinance requirements that apply to your Royalton Borough property. The Borough of Royalton in 2019 adopted a Backflow Prevention Ordinance known as Borough Ordinance No. 250 pursuant to the Borough Code, the Pennsylvania Code and the Cleanwater Act. The purpose of this ordinance is to protect the public water supply from contamination or pollution by isolating, within the property owner’s water system, contaminates or pollutants which could backflow through the service connection into the public water system. For your convenience, we have enclosed relevant excerpts from the backflow prevention ordinance regarding approved devices, installation guidelines and potential need for an expansion tank. A full copy of the ordinance may be found at www.royaltonpa.com or obtained from the Borough office. Compliancy with this Ordinance will be effective for Residential Users on January 1, 2025. These device(s) must be installed by a certified plumber or a qualified installer of your choice. Installation of the device(s) shall be at the expense of the property owner. Once your backflow device installation has been completed, or if you already have the device installed, you may schedule an inspection by contacting the Royalton Borough office at (717) 944-4831. If you have any questions regarding the ordinance requirements or need assistance with compliance, please contact the Borough. Our team is available to provide guidance and support to ensure your compliance with these important regulations. Thank you for your attention to this matter. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the safety and integrity of our water supply system.

Sincerely, The Royalton Borough Authority




Power outages are unpredictable and unavoidable.  Once notified, the crew will be dispatched, detect the issue and restore power as soon as possible.  A time of restoration depends on the issue.  Your patience is greatly appreciated while we fix issues beyond our control. 



Fireworks - Article 20XXIV - Please click here for State Law adopted regarding fireworks


 FIREWORKS LAW MADE SIMPLE-click for shorter version


Per Capita Taxes:  On July 1 of each year Borough residents will receive a Per Capita tax for all persons 18 years of age through 72 years of age.  Exoneration forms are available to fill out at the Tax Collectors office or at the Borough office if you meet any of the following criteria: 

If you have not resided in the Borough of Royalton during this current tax year (move date must be prior to July 1 of current tax year)

If you have or will reach the age of seventy-two (72) years before December 31st of this current tax year

Or if you did not reach the age of eighteen (18) years on or before June 30th of this current tax year



Snow and ice on Sidewalks:  (Removal of snow and ice on sidewalks is under ordinance, property maintenance, Article B, in its entirety)

The owner, occupant or tenant of every property is accountable to remove all snow, ice, slush, or any combination of them, from the sidewalk and driveway/curb area up to 3 feet.  The removal of material may not be placed into the public street where the road is plowed.  


Conserve energy to keep costs down

Conserving energy will help keep costs down all year long.  It's not always convenient in the summer to push the thermostat up or in the winter to turn it down but any conservation measures you take will be effective.  

Here are a few tips to help you to conserve energy in your home:

1.  You can monitor your electric meter by taking readings yourself at any time during the month. 

2.  Replace standard incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, and watch how much more slowly the elctric meter turns. 

3.  Replace old appliances with energy efficient models if possible. 

4.  Use power strips to turn off several devices at the end of each day. 

5.  Use natural sunlight as much as you can by opening curtains. 

6. Use less hot water. Heating water takes a lot of energy. It's not necessary to take cold showers, but being mindful of how much hot water you use, and how the water is being heated, can save a lot of electricity and money.

  • Make sure your water heater is insulated so that it isn't losing too much heat.
  • Consider getting a water heater that doesn't run on a continuously lit pilot light.
  • Take showers instead of baths. Baths use a lot more water than showers.
  • Take shorter showers. Spending 20 minutes in the shower uses up too much electricity.

7. Insulate your home.  Making sure there are good seals on the doors and windows leads to huge savings in energy costs. Insulation keeps your home from leaking cool air-conditioned air during the summer and warm heated air during the winter.

  • Have a contractor inspect your home's insulation to determine whether it's efficient enough. Consider the attic, crawlspaces, basement, walls and ceiling. You may want to look into fitting your home with new insulation.
  • Weather-strip your home by using caulk and weather strip in your doorways, windows and around window air conditioners. You can also purchase plastic sheeting to put over the windows during the winter.


During a power outage a full freezer full of food will keep for 48 hours in warmer weather.  Half full freezers will keep food for 24 hours.  If power is out for an extended period of time and your food is a loss, you should contact your insurance company to see if your policy covers your loss.  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

OPEN BURN - FIRE PITS, CHIMNEAS, BURN BARRELS OR OTHER RELATED OPEN BURN CONTAINERS are not permitted in the Borough of Royalton.  Please remember there is NO OPEN BURNING allowed in the Borough.  An electric or gas grill is permitted for cooking of food.  

Ordinance #153 No open burn



The DCRC was established to offer a convenient drop off location for residents, out-of-county residents, businesses, institutions, and local governments to recycle their unwanted or obsolete electronics or appliances, old thermostats containing mercury, and on-site confidential document shredding service.  Please visit their website for more information:  


TO ALL DOG OWNERS   Tiny Booties the Adoptable Puppy Pictures 769076

There are rules that are in place that require anyone with a dog to not allow or permit their dog to befoul, corrupt, defile, or otherwise desecrate with feces, urine, or vomit on any public street, sidewalk, or any property other than that of the dog's owner, custodian, or keeper thereof.

Basically, know that when you are walking your dog(s) and they do any of their business on any property other than your own, you are required to remove it.  Remember to carry a disposal bag with you and respect your neighbors by cleaning up after your pet.

Also, it is apparent that dogs bark however if your dog is disturbing the peace of your neighbor or neighborhood that is another story.  Please be aware of the length of time your dog is outside barking.        

Please take the responsibility that goes along with having a dog.  Your neighbors will appreciate it and you will not be cited and fined for violating the dog ordinance.

Dog licensing is required for all dogs 3 months of age and older.  Please see the following link to purchase your dog licenses.



Fridays are trash collection days.  TRASH MAY NOT BE PLACED CURB SIDE PRIOR TO 24 HOURS BEFORE PICKUP.  All trash expected to be picked up must be set on the curb, not on your property. Place containers in front or in back of your vehicle if you park on the street.  Container's to heavy for you to lift are also to heavy for the collector to lift.  Garbage cans are required to have lids.  Boxes must be broken down, newspapers tied, tree branches or like items must be tied in 3 foot sections.  One bulk item a week can be set out for pickup.  Freon related items need special pickup by calling 1-800-210-9675.  Computers must be recycled (Dauphin County Recycling Center) and will not be picked up by York Waste.

Check out their website for additional information regarding pickup service including how to dispose of items such as Christmas trees, paint, needles, and yard waste.



Please contact our office if your phone number changes. In an emergency, you could miss a mass call out if we do not have your current phone number on file. Call our office at 717-944-4831 or email us at ROY1891@COMCAST.NET or ROYALTONUTILITIES@COMCAST.NET to update your account.


Any resident who has concerns or questions regarding mosquito population, spraying, or in general may contact the Dauphin County West Nile Virus Program at 921-8100.



Copyright Borough of Royalton 2009
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